
Business processes provide an X-ray of the business and its shortcomings

Understanding a company’s organizational processes broadens the view of its operation and performance, helping to identify problems and solutions. This is because these processes comprise all the steps and activities that make up the path that enables the delivery of a product or service.
Knowing in detail what are the tasks involved in the routine of an institution is the first step to improve its execution and reach the established goals of sales and growth, consequently. For this, it is essential that each process is interconnected with the others so that the sectors complement each other.

Some tools and strategies can help the manager along this path. Creating a diagram for each process, for example, helps you map potential issues and identify available solutions.

Importance of organizational processes

It is fundamental for mapping opportunities for improvement to have an objective and clear design of the business production chain. In practice, this means that, when faced with a deviation in the process – such as a delay or communication failure –, a company that maintains its routines and tasks in line can more easily identify the source of the problem.

Another benefit of tracking business processes is the chance to work with performance indicators. Thus, it is possible to create sales and production targets, for example, and carry out periodic monitoring, auditing specific stages of the product or service path.

As highlighted by Sebrae-MG, indicators are fundamental in the X-ray process of companies. They point out the path to be followed and are the benchmarks, providing an objective basis for identifying problems, defining priorities and checking how efforts to improve the company are progressing.

An indicator focused on the sales business process, for example, is the conversion rate. It indicates the number of prospects, that is, potential consumers effectively converted into customers after investing in a certain strategy.

Thus, monitoring this rate is essential to know whether the content is bringing engagement and the level of effectiveness of the sales strategy – since this directly impacts revenue –, in addition to being able to point out problems that occur in other areas of the corporation.

Types of business processes

For companies to be able to develop and improve their performance, it is also important to know the different types of business processes. This is because each company must invest in task management in the most coherent way to its values ​​and visions, segmenting them in a functional way.

Basically, according to the Institute of Sales Expertise (IEV), there are three main types of business processes. They comprise the primary, support and managerial processes.

primary processes

The primary processes are those that have a direct interface with the public outside the company. In general, they also relate to the brand’s core activities.

In a clothing manufacturing and retail business, for example, the primary processes include making the garments, controlling product quality, and selling the garments.

Support processes

The supporting business processes comprise the supporting activities and are not directly linked to the external public. It is worth remembering, however, that even so, these processes are fundamental to guarantee a satisfactory customer experience.

This is because the supporting processes relate to areas that directly affect the primary processes. They are the ones that allow the offer of services or products to occur in a continuous, coherent and efficient way.

Some examples of these processes are the creation of marketing and sales campaigns, employee training and accounting and financial actions.

Management processes

Managerial business processes concern tasks related to the strategic management of the company.

They are fundamental for the progress of other models of organizational processes, since they reflect leadership competencies, in charge of guiding and guiding the other sectors of the organization.
